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作者:由 妮子聊星座 發表于 詩詞日期:2021-12-28



A man's life is just like a day in the sun. Morning brings dawn to people, and evening brings darkness to people. That's the same for a day. There are deep, shallow, rising and falling, life is also such a change, sunny and rainy days are necessary. If you can understand it, you will take it easy. Don't be silly. One person's efforts can never determine the relationship between two people. Not your pillow person, also can not do your heart love.

二、我真的很喜歡大家一起努力的樣子那種專注的神情是無法掩蓋的。我不看月亮,也不說想你,這樣月亮和你都被矇在鼓裡。不能相濡以沫,那就相忘於江湖,唯有放下怨恨,人生才能自由輕鬆,才能重新上路,才能遇到以後的美好。小時候哭是覺得自己太委屈,長大了哭是對自己太失望。 我,不會哭,不會笑,累了我就會消失一下。我,不會問,不會提,難過了,心痛了就一個人不停的走,用沉默代替一切。

I really like the way you all work together. There's no way to hide that concentration. I don't look at the moon, nor say I miss you, so the moon and you are all in the dark. If we can't get along with each other, we will forget each other. Only by putting down our hatred, can we be free and relaxed in our life, and then we can get back on the road and meet the good things in the future. When I was young, I cried because I felt too wronged. When I grew up, I cried because I was too disappointed. I don't cry, I don't laugh, I will disappear when I'm tired. I will not ask, will not mention, sad, heartache on a person to keep going, with silence instead of everything.



Some people say that the coldest heart is covered with heat one day at last, but they forget that the warmer heart is also frostbitten that day. The most tragic love is not like two parallel lines, but like two intersecting lines, knowing each other and gradually moving away. Winter in the south is very cold. Although there is no ice and snow, but accompanied by wind and rain, accompanied by an intolerable chill. The more beautiful and pure the memories of the past are, the more haggard they are.


Stop luxury and waste. Stop eating. Stop using. Stop enjoying. Stop greedy. Stop pursuing. Salted vegetable and radish nests are good things. Bamboo fence and cottage are beautiful. Taoist temples are worse. Chickens bark and dogs bark and babies are noisy. That's a good life. When you can't hold on, remember to tell yourself and stick to it again. No matter how bad your mood is, don't break the original rules of life, eat and sleep on time. 1440 minutes, 365 days, do what should be done, meet the people you want, eat delicious food! Good morning!



We often envy other people's luck, but you don't know it's the light that others have brewed for a long time. You admire the goodness of others, but you don't know how much they have paid behind them. You foolishly attribute all this to their good luck. But there is no natural luck in this world, but the accumulation of past efforts. When you work hard enough, luck will meet you unexpectedly. For me, the saddest thing is to see so many heterosexual friends around you, and I can't let them go.


At the moment when a problem arises, we must control our emotions, not get angry, not extreme, not say anything extreme, and know how to be patient. Patience is not about letting you stop dealing with it, it's about avoiding what you do to discredit yourself when you lose control of your emotions. You will know later that there are really few things in life that deserve our courtesy, upbringing, character and pattern. If the enemy makes you angry, that means you haven't won his grasp. You don't have to go back and see who the people who swear at you are. If a mad dog bites you, do you want to lie down and bite him back? Don't care too much about other people's curses.



Not every effort will yield results, but every effort must be made, which is an unfair and irreversible proposition. In life, there are always some old things in the empty city, not in the middle of time; there are always some seasons, a season of cool flowers, full of sadness. Many things turn around when they see them; many dreams turn out to be clouds and sunrise when they lose sight of them. Learn to think, learn to treasure, smile and understand, silent and strong. Good morning!




九、這世界其實無所謂遠方,每一個你的遠方,都是他人的故鄉。 人生是很累的,你現在不累,以後就會更累。人生是很苦的,你現在不苦,以後就會更苦。唯累過,方得閒。唯苦過,方知甜。



