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人教版丨八下 unit 6 課時訓練 Section A!

作者:由 一枝寒梅初中英語數學 發表于 書法日期:2022-08-13


人教版丨八下 unit 6 課時訓練 Section A!

Unit 6 Section A 第1課時測試卷



1。I am tired now。 As soon as I get home, I ______ to sleep。

A。 went B。 go C。 will go



C 句意:我現在累了。一到家我就上床睡覺。此處as soon as引導的時間狀語從句用一般現在時,主句用一般將來時,答案選C。

2。—Yu Gong _______ and didn’t give up。

— Yes, we should learn from him。

A。 keep trying

B。 keeps trying

C。 kept trying

D。 kept try



C keep doing sth。意為“繼續做某事;堅持做某事”。根據句中的and didn’t 可知要用一般過去時。

3。—I didn’t hear you come in just now。

—That’s good。 I tried ______ the baby up。

A。 to wake B。 not to wake C。 waking



B 句意:——剛才我沒有聽見你進來。——那很好。我儘量不吵醒孩子。try not to do sth。 意為“盡力不去做某事”符合句意。故選B。

4。These old photos ______ me of the days I spent in my primary school。

A。 tellB。 remindC。 cause



B 句意:這些老照片使我想起了我在小學度過的日子。tell“告訴”;remind“使想起;提醒”;cause“導致”。根據句意可知答案選B。

5。The young mother won’t leave her baby () she is sure that he has already been asleep。

A。 unlessB。 becauseC。 ifD。 since



A 句意:那位年輕的媽媽不會離開她的寶貝,除非她確定他已經睡著了。unless除非,引導條件狀語從句。



Once upon a time there was a blackbird that lived in a cherry (櫻桃)tree outside my window。 Every day the blackbird would sing and sing。 When I ate my breakfast, the blackbird ate his breakfast。 When I ate my lunch, the blackbird ate his lunch。 When I ate my dinner, the blackbird ate his dinner。 The blackbird always ate the cherries off the cherry tree outside my window。

One day, Mother was going to make a cherry pie。 We picked all the cherries off the cherry tree。 When it was baked, she put the pie by the window to cool off。 While I was eating my breakfast, I saw the blackbird fly around the tree。 But there were no cherries on the tree。 He flew in through the window to sit by me then over to the window by the pie。 I smiled。 The blackbird looked at me and smiled, too。 He said “ I’ll have my pie without ice cream! ” And with that, the blackbird took the pie under his wing and flew out of the window。 I rushed out of the house and saw the blackbird eating the pie! Soon, the whole pie was gone。 We looked at each other and smiled。

1。 Where did the blackbird live? ( No more than 8 words)


2。 What did the blackbird have for his meal? (No more than 2 words)


3。 What did the writer and his/her mother do before making a pie? (No more than 5 words)


4。 Why did the writer’s mother put the pie by the window? (No more than 4 words)


5。 Who ate the whole pie? (No more than 2 words)



1。 In a cherry tree outside the writer’s window。 / In a cherry tree。 / It lived in a cherry tree。

2。 The cherries。 3。 They picked all the cherries。

4。 To cool it off。 5。 The blackbird。

Unit 6 Section A 第2課時測試卷



1。 The young ________ (couple) decided to move to Shanghai。

2。 You look _______ (excite)。 Do you have any good news?

3。 She has ______ (hide) her diary where nobody can find it。

4。 — Do you still take the bus to school?

— No。 Now I can come to school by underground (instead) of by bus。

5。 The teacher________ (remind) me to take my ID card to school tomorrow。


1。 couple 2。 excited 3。 hidden 4。 instead 5。 reminds


1。We will ______ see the moonlight if it is sunny。

A。 can B。 could C。 be able to D。 be able



C 句意:假如天氣晴朗的話我們就能夠看見月光。be able to do sth。表示“能夠/有機會做某事”,will不能和can連用。

2。 When I was 13 years old, _______ girl gave me an important gift。 It was ________ smile。

A。 the; a B。 a; a C。 the; the D。 a; the



B 句意:當我13歲時,一個女孩給了我一個重要的禮物,那是一個微笑。句中girl是第一次出現,且表泛指,故用不定冠詞a;smile在此處也表泛指,故也用不定冠詞a。

3。 __________ bad people, the Monkey King uses a magic stick。

A。 To fight B。 Fighting C。 Fought D。 Fights



A 此處是動詞不定式作目的狀語。

4。 enny, you always ______your baby too much before bedtime。 In fact, it’s not good for his sleep。 A。 excite B。 excited C。 exciting D。 excitement



A 句意:珍妮,你總是使你的孩子在睡前很興奮。事實上,這對他的睡眠不好。excite是動詞,意為“使激動,使興奮”;excited是形容詞,意為“激動的”;exciting是形容詞,意為“令人興奮的”;excitement是名詞,意為“激動;興奮”。根據句子結構可知選A。

5。______the TV program came out, children all over the country became interested in it at once。

A。 As soon as B。 Unless C。 If D。 Until



A 句意:這個電視節目一出來,全國的孩子們就立刻對它產生了興趣。A項“一……就”;B項“除非”;C項“假如”;D項“直到”。根據句意可知答案選A。


請根據以下提示以The Monkey King為題寫一篇短文,介紹齊天大聖。

1。 美猴王是名叫《大鬧天宮》(Havoc in Heaven)的故事裡的英雄。

2。 美猴王是一塊石頭變來(be born from)的。它想長生不老。它聰明、勇敢和幽默(humorous)。它能把自己變成(change)72種不同的東西,像樹、鳥等。它用雲在天空中環遊!

3。它帶領一群猴子反對玉皇大帝(the Emperor of Heaven)和他計程車兵。猴王把天宮弄得亂七八糟。最後, 玉皇大帝求助如來佛祖(Buddha)。如來佛祖搬來(move)一座山壓在美猴王的身上。500年之後,一個和尚(monk)把它從山下面解救出來。




The Monkey King

The Monkey King is the hero of the story called Havoc in Heaven。

He is born from a stone。 He wants to live for ever。 He was clever,brave and humorous。 He can change himself into 72 different things, like a tree, a bird and so on。 He uses the clouds in the sky to travel around!

He leads a group of monkeys against the Emperor of Heaven and his men。 He makes a terrible mess in heaven。 At last, the Emperor asks Buddha for help。 The Buddha moves a great mountain to fall on top of him。 Five hundred years later, a monk helps the monkey get out of the mountain。
