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作者:由 英語老師覃冠平 發表于 易卦日期:2022-09-13




如果你一直習慣只有老師用中文帶你學才能學英語和學會英語:“我的車被拖了”的英語是說:My car was towed by the police




1) 會說my car was pulled away by police嗎?

2) Yahoo my car was pulled away by police


3) Yahoo到的“原版英語”告訴我們一切:

1。 What can I do when the police tow my car?

Vehicles may be towed for many reasons。 If the car or driver is not validly licensed, or is being arrested, the police may tow the car for safekeeping, or to conduct a more thorough search。

2。 My Car Was Towed —— What Now?

It can be shocking and stressful to find your vehicle is gone。 At first, you may think you parked somewhere else, but then you might realize that your car got towed。


原來人家是說tow (away) your car,not pull away your car!



3) 自我英語口語訓練:

Okay。Got you。 I can say:My car was towed (away) by police,or My car got towed by the cops。
